Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Due to the perceptual theory of Greimas, formal elements of discourse refer to a content which has no example in semiotic level of natural world. So it could be assumed the existence of a reciprocal relation between language & perception of the world. What makes this relation possible is the presence of a medium, named corpse. Hence, we recognize in one hand, the process of semiosis issue from linguistic system, & in other hand, we apprehend the perception which is formed by sensitive reaction into the phenomenons of natural world. Structural schema of "perception" gives meaning to the visual objects. Relation between subject & exterior context takes place through the process of this act of perception. This article intends to describe the ambivalent situation of "perception" in performing apocalyptical events of Ruzbehan. The results confirm that based on generating extension & intension, author creates during the revelation experience, a tension in his language. That, in turn, leads to a variety of visual elements as well as to the fluidity of signs. In context of mystical experience, Beliefs & desires of spectator affect on perceptual structure of this experience.


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