Document Type : Scientific-research


1 MA., University of Guilan

2 Associate Professor, University of Guilan


A symbol is a type of expression that conveys a broad range of meanings along with the literal concept, without an analogy, to the reader and it is an expression of a concrete experience with polysemic capacity and uncertainty of the referents. As a result, a symbol is presented in various instances, and the sole way of understanding its meaning is through hermeneutics and interpretation. Based on this, to understand the meaning of a symbol, one needs to go beyond the surface structure to probe into the deep structure, considering both the structure and the context of a given text. mevlana is both a mystic and a spiritual poet who made use of symbols to process his paradigms. His remarkable attention to the natural environment, and its minutes and details has ,become the ground for the processing of his mental concepts. This paper uses a descriptive-interpretive method to analyze and explain Mevlana's speculative themes, including the concept of return, reticence, awakening, journey, contraction and expansion, love, etc. Through deciphering the symbols of the text, the authors have tried to unveil the diverse and contradictory layers of his thought in order to develop a more complete portrait of Mevlana's personality and mysticism. In this study, the prominent symbols of animal patterns were explored, and other pieces of evidence are stated in the postscript.


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