Document Type : Scientific-research


1 University of Qom

2 University of Qom .Qom. Iran.


In some Sufi stories, we see the transformation of one of the characters. Although it is expected to deal with static characters in the story, in this case the character changes and - contrary to the structure of stories, instead of fictional events - is placed in the center of the story. There are 37 stories of this kind in the third volume of the first to tenth volumes of Kashf al-Asrar and Kital al-Abrar Mibdi. In this research, we examined these anecdotes from the perspective of structure, how and reasons for transformation, types of characters, plot, theme, time and place in an analytical way and with the help of tables.The results of the research are examples of relative verisimilitude, the empathy of the audience with the story, the youth of the transformed society, the necessity of background and inner talent,transformation in a positive direction, the role of will and free will, returning to God as the general meaning of stories. It shows the value of an techniques such as the use of more complex plots and longer stories, first-person or combined perspective, dealing with the details of the characters' situations and atmosphere creation. Examining the story of transformation the concept of transformation, literary, artistic, and narrative strains, as well as the dominant discourse of the time, leads to a more complete understanding of the interpretation.


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