
PhD. Student & Instructor, Islamic Philosophy, Al- Mustafa International University


      Intuition and sensing (unveiling) are regarded as the fundaments of mystical insight; through sensing, mystics directly and without any mediator experience the reality. Therefore, ways of sensing and intuitional ability have always been in the center of mystical studies. Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, as a thoughtful mystic, literarily and based on theoretical Sufi teachings expresses forms of sensing in Mathnavi. Mystics have explored two forms of sensing : sensual and spiritual. This paper, drawing upon Gheisari’s introduction to Fusus al-Hikam, tries to deal with forms of sensual sensing in Mathnavi. Besides all forms of sensual sensing (except tactile sensing), Mathnavi includes numerous minute teachings about each of them which have not been seen in Gheisari and Heidar Amoli’s classification. It seems that Rumi has dealt with auditory sensing more than the other sensual forms of sensing.  
