Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Focusing on the self and self-recognition, as well as paying attention to the sacred self, are among the topics that link mysticism and Sufism with psychology. Western researchers of Sufism have used comparative studies and diverse research approaches and methodologies in the study of mystical texts. Psychology is one of the sciences and tools that these researchers have used in their mystical analyses. Orientalists have proposed a new approach to Sufi studies resting on psychological and psychoanalytical principles found in Sufi texts. The present study aims at analyzing and critiquing the translated works of Western researchers who have studied mysticism and Sufism adopting a psychological approach. A careful examination of their studies reveals that the subconscious mind; symbol and the issue of interpretation (ta’vil) along with the concept of “individuation” in Jungian psychology; attention to the “flourishing self” in the psychology of transcendence; plus focus on the principle of concentration during mystical worship are among the most important psychological approaches of Orientalists’ mystical studies. The findings of the study show that a large number of Orientalist studies have focused on the process of Sufi “remembrance” and “meditation” and the mystic's attempt in reaching the heavenly-self. Sufi researchers’ purposes and understanding of the mystics’ psychological and psychoanalytical approaches are not necessarily and exclusively limited to modern psychology and psychotherapeutic schools of later centuries, and their main effort—due to the focus of Iranian mystics on the soul—are more inclined to “soul-searching”. On the other hand, in a small proportion of their studies, they believe in the compatibility of mystical teachings with modern schools of psychology, and have analyzed and critiqued the works accordingly.


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