Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Persian Language and Literature Department, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran


Applying descriptive-analytical research method, the present study critiques and analyzes Ibn-e Bazaz Ardabili’sSafvat al-Safa based on the mythical view of Mircea Eliade. From the perspective of Eliade, myth is the most important from of real, sacred, and communal thinking and for this reason it is exemplary and repeatable. In myth, the hero achieves trans-human conditions by transforming the sensory experience into religious experience. The religiousness of this experience means that the individual’s existence in the profane world is halted, and he enters a world of light through supernatural forces. As a result, through applying religious experience, he can replicate mythical events. According to the mythical model of Eliade, the mythical sanctity of Sheikh Safi, Safvat al-Safa’s hero, resembles the gods’ archetype and primordial models. The examples and components of mythical times and places of Mircea Eliade are also evident in Safvat al-Safa. As Sheikh Safi uses a religious experience, he replicates the mythical events, and conforming to religious man’s example, he achieves a sense of religious power through austerity. Through this, he reaches illumination and inner self-recognition and his heart gets ready to accept the facts. At the stage of acquiring secret knowledge and being honored with initiation (tasharuf), the hard tests, and the compact and confined places for learning mystical mysticism are somehow representative of the embryonic world and rebirth. The hero reaches the divine manifestation (tajalli) through the stages of mystery-learning and initiation, and by his spiritual flight or ascension meets the angels face to face. Several examples of mythical models and repetitions are observed in the mystical experience of Sheikh Safi al-din Ardabili in Safvat al-Safa.


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