• Arais-al-Bayan exegesis Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Attar Neishabouri The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Attraction and Striving Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]


  • Cavern Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Character Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Code Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Contradiction Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]


  • Determinism and free will Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • Dhul-Nun Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Divine decree and destiny Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]


  • Hadighah Exploring Interpretation and its Different Levels in Sanai’s Hadighah [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 33-64]

  • Horizon-paysage Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]


  • Images of life The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Intellect Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Interpretation Exploring Interpretation and its Different Levels in Sanai’s Hadighah [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 33-64]

  • Intuition Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Islamic Mysticism A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Islamic Mysticism Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Islamic Mysticism Qabā Hadith in Mystical Texts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 7-29]


  • Khosrovani Wisdom Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Knowledge Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]


  • Meaning of life The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Mersad al-Ebad Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Metamorphosis “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Mevlana A Comparative Analysis of the Love Category in the Story of the Symposium of Plato and the King and Slave Girl of Mevlana [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-32]

  • Moral Requisites Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • Mossibat-Nameh The Meaning of Life in Attar Neishabouri’s Mossibat-Nameh [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 65-90]

  • Mystical language A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Mystical Texts Qabā Hadith in Mystical Texts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 7-29]

  • Mysticism Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Mysticism “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Mystic Knowledge Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]

  • Myth “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]


  • Nafahat al-Uns Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Najm al-Din Razi Khosrovani Wisdom in Mersad al-Ibad [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • Narrative Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Nirvana Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]


  • Philosophy Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Plato A Comparative Analysis of the Love Category in the Story of the Symposium of Plato and the King and Slave Girl of Mevlana [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-32]


  • Qabā Qudsi Hadith Qabā Hadith in Mystical Texts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 7-29]


  • Reason Content-based Contradiction in Mystical Approach: Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr and Avicenna’s Risalat-al-Tayr [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 31-66]

  • Recognition Orders Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]

  • Religions “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Rhetoric Exploring Interpretation and its Different Levels in Sanai’s Hadighah [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 33-64]

  • Rozbahan The Finest Form of "Self" in The Kashf-al-Asrar and Mokashefat-al-Anvar of Rozbahan [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 91-114]

  • Ruzbihan Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Ruzbihan Baqli Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]


  • Shath A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Shath definition A Critical Analysis of ‘Shath’ Definitions [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 149-174]

  • Space Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Suffering Recognition Degrees in Mystical Teachings of Mevlana and Buddhism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 115-148]

  • Symbol “Tree” in Mystical Symbolizations and Its Mythological Roots [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 67-93]

  • Symposium A Comparative Analysis of the Love Category in the Story of the Symposium of Plato and the King and Slave Girl of Mevlana [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-32]


  • Tabaqat-al-Sufia Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Tazkirat al-Awliya Comparative Study of Dhul-Nun’s Personality Dimensions in Three Tazkirats (Tabaqat-al-Sufia, Tazkirat al-Awliya, and Nafahat al-Uns) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 93-124]

  • Thematic Criticism Analysis of Symbolic Geography of Cavern-Space in Ruzbihan’s Exegesis, Arais-al-Bayan: A Thematic Critical Approach [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 125-152]

  • Theory and Practice Inconsistency between “Theory and Practice” in “Determinism and Free will” Issue in Attar Nishāburi’s Thoughts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 179-214]

  • The purpose and Ultimate Objective of the Mystic Recognition in Mystical Disposition of Ruzbihan Baqli [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 153-178]


  • Vaqee The Finest Form of "Self" in The Kashf-al-Asrar and Mokashefat-al-Anvar of Rozbahan [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 91-114]